Terms of service of the piclod.com service

  • The service is intended for storage and publication of graphic files in blogs, forums, bulletin boards and other Internet resources at the discretion of the user.
  • Using the service means acceptance of all the rules set forth here, as well as the voluntary consent of the user assume obligations to comply with them.
  • The Service is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
  • The publication of images is done by the user on his own initiative, the service is not responsible for the correctness and the accuracy of the information provided by the user.
  • It is prohibited to use the service to publish pornography, violence, anti-state images, images that violate the right of an individual to privacy, images whose publication is otherwise contrary to laws and moral standards.
  • The service is not responsible for the observance of copyright on posted images, however, it warns users about the need to take into account and comply with its norms.
  • The service administration reserves the right to remove any images that violate these Rules without notice, namely:
  • - breaking the law;
    - meaningless and suboptimal images that waste server resources;
    - objects protected by copyright;
    - other images, the placement of which will be considered a violation of the Terms of Service;
    - images that are design elements of other services.
  • The administration reserves the right to unilaterally amend these Rules at any time.

Abuse mail: info@ubilling.net.ua